Her vision board says it best in her own handwriting: “Don’t Come All This Way to Stop.” After her first month of Bootcamp and the thrill was gone of seeing her scale move, her body change, and her endurance grow, her mom had to bring her for an “emergency visit” to our house because she was done. Doing this was “too hard” and it was time to throw in the towel.
Even though we had to remind her at that time that you have come too far to just stop, it is obvious that for 2021 this is a mindset that she is choosing to embrace. 19.8 pounds and 11 inches down is just an outward reward of the inner change occurring in her life.
Ariane is learning that hard times and conflict build character and strengthen you. We know for a fact that The best is yet to come from this beautiful and amazing little girl! 💙💜
#unicorns #pushupqueen #idontwantnosmoke #kidsbootcamp #crystalizedtraining #revfitgym #crazyworks