Sandra LeJune
Happy 1 year fitaversary to Verna!! She has completely changed her body and her mind! She has found a love for fitness and passion for spin! I remember the day I met her to now. Now she is so full of life, a smile that lights up the room, and an amazing energy! She is one amazing woman and has came so far in 1 year. And this is only the beginning. This year we are going to work on toning even more and building muscle! This part is hard and requires a lot of patience but I can’t wait to watch her body and mind transform even more!! Happy 1 year Verna and here’s to many more!! Sorry it’s a few days late. Hurricane Delta sidetracked us!
#1year #revfitgym #toningandbuilding #crystalizedtraining #revfitgym #crazyworks #LOOKATHERARMS